Water bead neck cooler (amazon) or make your own.
- Buy waterbeads/zorbies from eBay or amazon.
- Put them in a container and fill with water. Wait for the beads to plum up.
- Fill a stocking with beads to a level you are happy with. Cover the stocking with a strip of material leaving two lengths to tuck down Tshirt. Place in fridge to cool. When the beads shrink simply place it back in a bucket of water to plump.

General Activities
- Try Freezing favourite fruits to crunch on e.g. grapes, blackberries, strawberries etc. Cut the grapes and berries into quarters for safety.
- Freeze juice or water to make ice chunks to crunch on or crush up. If using cube trays bash the cubes into pieces before giving to the child.
- If children chew on their clothes wet a flannel, tie a knot in it and freeze for the child to chew on the cool flannel rather than their clothes
- For cuff chewers dampen sweatbands (non-fluffy/bobbly bands) place in fridge to cool and place on wrists.
- Dampen a headband or sweat band with water and place in fridge for forehead cooling.
- Use water spray bottles with cold water to spray.
- Make up a container or water beads, place in fridge for them to explore and cool. (DO not use these if your child eats non-food items) Place them in a ziplock bag and supervise play if they tend to eat non-food items.
- Make up zorbie/waterbead bottles and place in fridge to tip and watch them roll.
- Chill waterbead squeeze balls to handle or roll on arms

Feet activities
- Wet large sponges and put on a small amount of washing up liquid. place in fridge- use in washing up bowl to stamp n to make bubble sponges and cool the feet.
- Footspa with cool water
- Use ziplock waterbead bag to rest feet on and squidge
- Play football with wet sponge ball.
- Waterbead ball refrigerated to roll under feet.